Each of our professional educators has been hand-selected to help create the best learning environment for your child. Each comes to us with an extensive teaching background and a passion for helping your child grow closer to Jesus.

Preschool and Pre-K

  • Mrs. Alyssa Miller


  • Mrs. Hannah Sharkey

    Preschool Educator

K-6th Grade

  • Mrs. Sarah Reed


  • Mrs. Sabine Whitmer

    1st Grade

  • Mrs. Mel Miller

    2nd Grade

  • Mrs. Maria Ging

    3rd Grade

  • Mrs. Alisha Sexton

    4th Grade

  • Mrs. Mallory Charles

    5th Grade

  • Mrs. Julie Adams

    6th Grade

7th-12th Grade

  • Ms. Sara Welsh

    7th Grade

  • Mrs. Chastity White

    8th Grade

  • Mr. Andy Platt

    High School Science

  • Mrs. Emily Fuhrmann

    High School Language Arts

  • Mr. Joel Whitcraft

    High School History

  • Mr. Jake Julian

    High School Math

  • Mr. Jody Martinez

    High School Bible

Specials Educators

  • Mrs. Marissa Morris

    Music Special

  • Ms. Paula Crumes

    Worship Special

  • Mr. Caleb Bloom

    Physical Education

  • Mrs. Traci Frank

    Art Special


Substitute Educators

ITOWN Prep is a hybrid education that is Jesus-centered, athletically focused, and academically excellent. Apply below!