Frequently Asked Questions

  • Preschool students must be 3 by June 1st.

    Pre-K students must be 4 by June 1st.

    Kindergarten students must be 5 by June 1st.

    These cutoffs are firm and are not evaluated on a student-by-student basis.

  • ITOWN Prep is a private program offering hybrid homeschool classes to families, so we do not accept any state or federal funding and, subsequently, do not qualify for vouchers. We have taken every means possible to make ITOWN Prep the highest quality education at the lowest possible price. We also have a few options available to make tuition more affordable.

    • Tuition may be paid in convenient monthly payment plans.

    • A limited number of scholarships may be available to families that are part of ITOWN Church because of the generosity of the members of our church. Families who have a financial need can apply for scholarships during the enrollment process when they are available.

    If you would like to help financially support the students of ITOWN Prep, please consider giving, by clicking here.

  • Many of our classes may reach capacity, at which point your student would be eligible for the waiting list should a spot open up.

    Your student’s spot is held only after all application and enrollment forms have been completed, fees have been paid, billing plan is set up, and the first month’s tuition is paid.

  • ITOWN Prep is open to ITOWN Church families and those who are like-minded spiritually. These families should be supportive of the mission and vision of ITOWN Prep and ITOWN Church and align with their core beliefs.

    Students must be in good standing with any previous school or homeschool program in order to be considered for enrollment at ITOWN Prep.

  • Yes! Our team would love to help facilitate an opportunity for your child to shadow and see firsthand what makes ITOWN Prep different. Reach out to our team to ask about shadowing opportunities by sending an email here.

  • Each student's application is carefully considered by the administration. After a family applies to ITOWN Prep, we will schedule a meet and greet with a member of our team. This helps us get to know your family and hopefully answer any questions you may have.

    After the meet and greet, our Admissions Team will review the completed application, any supplemental forms, and assessment results to verify that the student aligns both academically and spiritually with our school’s mission.

    In grades 7-12, a student interview is also factored into the decision. All discussions regarding applications are held in strict confidence.

    Admission decisions consider the student’s potential for success at ITOWN Prep and the parents' desire for a Jesus-centered education for their children.

    Parents will be notified of the admissions decision as soon as possible. Reasons for the decision may not be disclosed to applicants. ITOWN Prep reserves the right to grant admittance only to students we believe meet the admissions criteria.


  • ITOWN Prep is a non-accredited hybrid homeschool model. In this model, parents are in charge of their child’s education with the support of our team of professional educators. Families are responsible for keeping up with their child’s education and maintaining their student's transcripts.

  • Our curriculum has been meticulously selected by our educators and administration based on its academics and presentation of a Biblical worldview.

    Specifics about the exact curriculum for your child will be available as the academic year approaches.

  • ITOWN Prep has an amazing app that helps keep parents and students informed of all assignments, grades, and upcoming events.

  • There are specific situations in which ITOWN Prep may work for students with learning needs, although we do not directly follow an IEP or 504 that was written by a previous school.

    We believe that parents will guide the process of education and will provide the accommodations needed within the hybrid homeschool learning environment. Within our academic setting, students must be able to behave in a manner that is not disruptive to classmates and must be able to keep up with course content.

    ITOWN Prep educators and staff do not work with students with learning disabilities and IEPs on a regular basis, but if you have a student with learning challenges and think ITOWN Prep would be a good fit, please reach out to our team to discuss before applying:

  • At ITOWN Prep, we strive to be a technology-free school, so all classwork is done on paper.

    There are occasional exceptions for specific classes, such as keyboarding and research paper study.

    On the rare occasion that technology is used in the classroom, these devices are highly regulated and filtered.

  • Yes! ITOWN Prep has developed a partnership with Southeastern University and Ivy Tech to offer a multitude of dual enrollment courses. These classes are available to some upperclassmen and will have additional fees involved. More information can be found here.

  • Preschool through 12th grade all have classes on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. For 1st through 12th grade, Monday and Friday options are available as well.

  • Yes! Many of our students go on to college and other forms of secondary education. Historically, our students have exceeded average scores for standardized testing and have received scholarships as well.


  • ITOWN Prep is a private program offering hybrid classes to families, so we do not accept any state or federal funding and, subsequently, do not qualify for vouchers. We do want to make every effort we can to support your family, so there are some options available to make tuition more affordable.

    • Tuition may be paid in convenient monthly payment plans.

    • A limited number of scholarships may be available to families that are part of ITOWN Church because of the generosity of the members of our church. Families who have a financial need can apply for scholarships during the enrollment process when they are available.

    If you would like to sponsor a child for ITOWN Prep, send us an email at and our team will reach out with more information. Thank you for your generosity!

  • While the financial commitment to ITOWN Prep is for the entire school year, monthly payment installments are available.

  • We have done everything possible to make ITOWN Prep the most affordable hybrid school option available but we also realize that some families may need additional assistance. Because of the generosity of the members of our church, a limited number of scholarships may be available to families that are a part of our church. Families who have a financial need can apply for scholarships during the enrollment process when they are available. However, the window for scholarship applications for the 2025-2026 school year is now closed.

  • Because we have done everything possible to make our tuition rates the lowest possible, we are unable to offer a multi-student discount.


  • We have three chapels throughout the year: at the beginning of the academic year, at Christmas time, and at the end of the academic year.

    On an ongoing basis, all of our curriculum is Jesus-centric and presents a Biblical worldview.

    ITOWN Prep has an age appropriate Bible curriculum for Preschool through 12th grade.

    Students start each day with prayer, and educators are encouraged to pray throughout the day.

    We strongly encourage families to be an active part of their local church community, which no chapel can replace.

  • Every month at ITOWN Prep, students participate in Ministry Thursday. This is an amazing opportunity for hands-on ministry and for students to see the difference they can make in the world around them.

    Ministry electives are available for certain grade levels, allowing students to gain invaluable, first-hand ministry training with a member of the ITOWN Church staff.

  • All of our curriculum has been specifically selected for how well it integrates the Bible into each subject. Additionally, students at every grade level have Bible class as part of the curriculum.


  • ITOWN Prep is excited to offer athletic opportunities through our sister ministry, ITOWN Athletics. For more information, click here.

  • 14:1 in Preschool & Pre-K

    16:1 on average in Kindergarten

    20:1 on average in 1st-12th Grades

  • At ITOWN Prep, we have embraced a uniform policy that enhances our students’ opportunities for safety and modesty. Our goal is to provide a standard of dress that allows us to quickly identify ITOWN Prep students and encourage a modest appearance.

    A full dress code may be found here.

  • Yes. ITOWN Prep is an extension of ITOWN Church and operates under the pastoral covering and leadership of ITOWN Church.

  • We have partnered with Leo’s Eatery to provide a variety of great, healthy lunch options for your child to purchase. Selections range from salads to sandwiches to fresh fruit cups. For more information about our lunch program, click here.

  • ITOWN prep is a hybrid homeschool model, empowering parents with all of the benefits of homeschooling but without the stress of lesson planning, teaching new concepts, etc. Basically, it’s homeschooling without the hard stuff.

  • We are excited for all that God is doing through ITOWN Church and ITOWN Prep! The building process will take at least two years. The 2024-2025 school year will take place at the Olson Farms Campus.