Stay connected with the ITOWN Prep App!

What’s Included

  • Make Tuition Payments

    Set up scheduled tuition payments, manage payment methods, view payment history, and more, all safely and securely in your profile through the Connect Classes app.

  • Manage Your Family Profile

    Create a profile for each member of your family to ensure proper pick-up, view each student’s class activity feed, and more!

  • Check Announcements

    Use the ITOWN Prep app to receive updates, see announcements, track lunch schedules and view all upcoming events via the academic calendar.

  • Easily Pick-Up Students

    Use the digital QR code located within the app for easy pick-up.

  • Review and Submit Classwork

    Students will have the ability to submit classwork and check grades for each class in the ITOWN Prep App.

  • Order Uniforms and Curriculum

    Access our curriculum purchasing guides and order new uniforms for your student.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • If you are an ITOWN Church attendee with an ITOWN account, you will use the same username and password. Otherwise, you can register for a new account.

  • You can reset your login information on the login screen in the app. It will prompt you for an email address and send you an email containing your username and a link to reset your password.

  • This can happen if you are not tied to the student because of duplicate profiles, but it is an easy fix!

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