At ITOWN Prep, we believe that “smart” is more than just academics. Our philosophy on education is broken down into four categories that we call “The Four Smarts.”

Spiritual Development

We aspire to help your child fall in love with God’s Word, enjoy time in God’s Presence, and understand God’s Voice. In addition to Bible classes for every grade, all of our curriculum points back to Jesus with a Biblical worldview.  Every grade enjoys two Praise Breaks during the class day, refocusing on Jesus through worship, Bible reading, journaling, and prayer.

Character Formation

We recognize that we are not just educating children but raising future adults. Character Formation is the pattern of values and attitudes. We are excited to walk through different ways to train students to live a Christ-centered and fulfilling life to learn and become bold leaders!

  • 4th graders take a manners course

  • 6th, 7th, and 8th graders can participate in Dr. John Maxwell's iLead leadership program

  • 11th and 12th graders take a Business Etiquette course.

These classes will guide students to help deepen their walk with the Lord, and have a better understanding of their identity and their purpose in who God is calling them to be!

Ministry Training

Each and every person has a God-given purpose, and we want to help your child unlock that calling.  Students will be given the chance to learn about different ministry opportunities through Ministry Thursdays and elective opportunities.

Learn more about Ministry Thursdays and elective opportunities:

Academic Excellence

ITOWN Prep is designed to give your child a true next-level academic experience.  We have hand-picked the best curriculum possible to help your child grow intellectually. We are excited to be able to offer the highest level of academic excellence, along with dual-credit courses through multiple accredited colleges. With ITOWN Prep, your child will have every opportunity to be prepared for college, technical school, or the job market.